OGAWA Hiroshi,
Director General, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
Master of Agriculture, Ph.D. in Animal Science
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Director, The Foundation for Academic Specimens of Domesticated Animals

e-mail: ogawa(a)yamashina.or.jp (Please replace (a) with @)
Graduated the master's program at Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture |
Professional Experience
1981-2002 | Research associate (1981-1988), Lecturer(1988-2000) and Associate Professor (2000-2002) of University Farm, Junior College of Tokyo University of Agriculture |
2002-2006 | Associate Professor of Department of Animal Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture |
2006-2019 | Professor of Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships, Tokyo University of Agriculture |
2019-2022 | Professor of Department of Bioresource Development, Tokyo University of Agriculture |
2017-2021 | Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture |
2021-2022 | Special Adviser, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology |
2022- | Director General, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology |
The Japanese Poultry Science Association Award in 2003 |