国際鳥類内分泌学会議第5回D.S.Farner Medal(1999)
1) Daisuke Kawasaki, Tadashi Aotsuka, Toru Higashinakagawa1 and SusumuI
shii, 2003. Cloning of the genes for the pituitary glycoprotein hormone and follicle-stimulating
hormone subunits in the Japanese crested ibis, Nipponia nippon. Zool. Sci.
20, in press.
2) S. Ishii, 1999. Application of modern endocrine methods to conservation biology.
Proc. 22 Int. Ornithol. Congr., Durban. Ostrich (Adams, N.J. and Slotow, R.H.
(eds)), 70(1):33-38
3) Wingfield, J. C., S. Ishii, M. Kikuchi, S. Wakabayashi, H. Sakai, N.Yamaguchi,
M. Wada, and K. Chikatsuji, 2000. Biology of a critically endangered species,
the Toki (Japanese crested ibis) Nipponia nippon. Ibi 142, 1-11.
4) Ishii, S., H. Ando, H. Wako and Y. Kubota, 1993. Molecular Biology of Gonnadotrophins.
Avian Endocrinology, ed. P. Sharp, The Society for Endocrinology, Bristol. 123-134.
1) Endocrinology of Birds, Molecular to Behavioral, Japan Scientific Societies
Press, Tokyo and Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990.
2) Atlas of Endcrine Glands, Vertebrates and Invertebrates, A. Matsumoto and S.
Ishii, eds, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1992.
3) 生物統計学入門 培風館、1975.