


[総裁] [理事長] [所長][副所長] [事務局] [自然誌研究室] [保全研究室] [組織図]

澤 祐介(さわ・ゆうすけ)Yusuke SAWA 研究業績



21) Sawa Y, Sugawa H, Wada T, Sato T, Arima H, Yomoda N, and Nishiumi I (2025) Variation of seasonal movement and body size for wintering populations of Black-headed Gulls in Japan. Ornithological Science: 55-68.

20) Arima H, Sugawa H, and Sawa Y (2025) Geographic variations in body size of the Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus. Ornithological Science: 27-37.

19) Natori Y, Nakagawa T, Saito T, Kato T, Seo T, Yata M, Sawa Y, Yasuda M, Enomoto A, and Isobe A (2025) Conservation education for sustainable development through field internship at NGOs. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 9: 100278.

18)Sabano Y, Sawa Y, Uemura S, Kurechi M (2024) Population trends and distribution of the Lesser Snow Goose Anser caerulescens caerulescens in Japan, based on 50 years of monitoring. Wildfowl 74: 69-83.

17)Lv X, Zhao Q, Fei M, Sawa Y, Ikeuchi T, Yu G, Zhang J, Meng F, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Xie Y, Cao L and Fox AD (2024). First observations in 20 years of Brent Geese Branta bernicla wintering on the Shandong coast, China. Wildfowl 74: 84-98.

16) 澤 祐介・柴田昭三・田澤和夫: (2023) 北海道における夏季のミカドガンの滞在および換羽の記録 山階鳥類学雑誌. 55: 64-70.

15) 水田 拓・尾崎清明・澤 祐介・千田万里子・富田直樹・仲村 昇・森本 元・油田照秋. 2022. 日本の鳥類標識調査 ―その意義と今後の展望 山階鳥類学雑誌. 54: 71-102.

14) Sawa Y, Ikeuchi T, Tamura C, and Nakamura N. 2021. Seasonal changes of roosting and foraging areas for wintering Lesser White-fronted Goose in Japan. Wildfowl 71: 108-119.

13) Yong DL, Kee JY, Aung PP, Jain A, Yeap CA, Au NJ, Jearwattanakanok A, Lim KK, Yu YT, Fu VWK, Insua-Cao P, Sawa Y, Crosby M, Chan S, and Crockford NJ. 2021. Conserving migratory waterbirds and the coastal zone: the future of South-east Asia's intertidal wetlands. Oryx 56: 176-183.

12) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Shimada T, Tatsuzawa S, Deng X, Cao L, Kim H, and Ward D. 2020. Migration routes and population status of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla nigricans wintering in East Asia. Wildfowl (Special Issue No.6): 244-246.

11) Cao L, Meng F, Zhang J, Deng X, Sawa Y. and Fox A.D. 2020. Moving forward: how best to use the results of waterbird monitoring and telemetry studies to safeguard the future of Far East Asian Anatidae species. Wildfowl (Special Issue No. 6): 293–319.

10) Sawa Y, Tamura C, and Ikeuchi T. 2020. An improved leg-hold noose trap for capturing Brent Geese, Branta bernicla, in water. Goose Bulletin 26: 22-29.

9) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Shimada T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Tatsuzawa S. and Ward D. 2020. Evidence of Brent Geese Branta bernicla moving between an autumn staging area in east Hokkaido and wintering sites in west Hokkaido and northern Honshu. Ornithological Science, 19: 211-216.

8) Sawa Y, Sato T, Ikeuchi T and Pozdnyakov V. 2019. Banding survey at colonies of Brent Goose, Branta bernicla in the Lena Delta, Russia and a recovery record. The Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association, 31: 53-64.

7) Sawa Y, Sato T, Ikeuchi T and Pozdnyakov V. 2019. Banding records of breeding shorebirds in the Lena Delta, Russia. The Bulletin of the Japanese Bird Banding Association, 31: 65-72.

6) Sawa Y, Tamura C, Ikeuchi T, Fujii K, Ishioroshi A, Shimada T and Ward D. 2019. A leg-hold noose capture method for Brent Geese Branta bernicla at staging or wintering sites. Wildfowl, 69: 230-241

5) 大泰司紀之, 藤井薫, 澤祐介, 太子夕佳, 石下亜衣紗, マキシム A. アンチーピン. 2018. コクガンBranta berniclaの日本渡来状況と日露共同研究および渡り経路の検討. 日知床博物館研究報, 40: 47-58

4) 澤祐介. 2012. カワガラスCinclus pallasiiのつがい形成期にみられた一夫二妻行動の観察. 日本鳥類標識協会誌, 24(1): 7-13

3) Sawa Y, Takeuchi Y, and Nakamura H. 2011. Nest site selection and nesting biology of Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta japonicus in Japan. Bird Study 58: 200-207.

2) 澤祐介. 2007. 高山帯におけるキセキレイの繁殖記録. Strix, 25: 197-200

1) 有馬浩史, 藤井恭恵, 澤祐介, 中西麻美. 2006.13枚の尾羽を持つ異常なシロハラTurdus pallidusの個体.Strix, 24: 193-196.


3) 澤祐介. 2024. (分担執筆)東京と福岡のユリカモメがどこか違う/先端技術と標識調査/渡り鳥がつなぐ国際協力の輪/干潟の鳥シギ・チドリ類に未来はあるか?/温暖化で変わる?鳥たちの渡り. 足環をつけた鳥が教えてくれること(山階鳥類研究所著). 山と渓谷社, 東京.

2) 澤祐介(分担執筆),太田貴大,大畑孝二,佐伯いく代,富田啓介,藤村善安,皆川智子,矢崎友嗣,山田浩之(編)(2023) 水辺を守る―湿地の保全管理と再生― 朝倉書店, 東京.

1) 澤祐介,シンバ・チャン.2021.保全をめぐる問題. 樋口広芳(編著)『鳥の渡り生態学』(第11章)P. 249-274. 東京大学出版会, 東京.
