


[総裁] [理事長] [所長][副所長] [事務局] [自然誌研究室] [保全研究室] [組織図]

油田照秋(ゆた・てるあき)Teru YUTA 研究業績



◆仲村 昇・油田照秋・千田万里子・水田 拓(2024) 2021~2023年に福島県で行われた繁殖鳥モニタリング(MAPS)調査 山階鳥類学雑誌 56(1): 83-95. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3312/jyio.56.83

◆水田 拓・尾崎清明・澤 祐介・千田万里子・富田直樹・仲村 昇・森本 元・油田照秋(2022)日本の鳥類標識調査 ―その意義と今後の展望 山階鳥類学雑誌. 54(1): 71-102.

◆仲村 昇・油田照秋・千田万里子・水田 拓(2021) 2018~2020年に福島県で行われた繁殖鳥モニタリング(MAPS)調査. 山階鳥類学雑誌 53(1): 44-56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3312/jyio.53.44

◆Yuta, T. & Nomi, D. (2019) Breeding Biology of the Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea in Northern Japan. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology 51: 62-67. DOI:10.3312/jyio.51.62

◆揚妻直樹、岸田治、油田照秋、揚妻-柳原芳美 (2019) 熊野地方・古座川流域におけるニホンミツバチ伝統的養蜂の現状、北海道大学演習林研究報告 71: 1-9.

◆Yuta T, Nomi D, Ihle M & Koizumi I. (2018) Simulated hatching failure predicts female plasticity in extra-pair behavior over successive broods. Behavioral Ecology 29: 1264-1270. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/ary124

◆Nomi D, Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2018) Seasonal change in sexual differences in nestling size and survival: a framework to evaluate sex-dependent environmental sensitivity in the wild. Avian Research 9: 10. DOI:10.1186/s40657-018-0102-0

◆Nomi D, Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2018) Facultative multiple breeding as a female conditional strategy in Japanese tits: partner's quality affects the initiation of second clutches. Ecological Research 33: 479-485. DOI:10.1007/s11284-018-1565-5

◆Nomi D, Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2017) Male feeding contribution facilitates multiple brooding in a biparental songbird. Ibis 160: 293-300. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12540

◆Nomi D, Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2017) Breeding biology of four sympatric tits in northern Japan. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129: 294-300. DOI:10.1676/16-014.1

◆Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2016) Does nest predation risk affect the pattern of extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine? Journal of Avian Biology 47: 153-158. DOI:10.1111/jav.00713

◆Laine VN, Gossmann TI, Schachtschneider KM, Garroway CJ, Madsen O, Verhoeven KJ, de Jager V, Megens HJ, Warren WC, Minx P, Crooijmans RP, Corcoran P; Great Tit HapMap Consortium (Yuta T, etc.), Sheldon BC, Slate J, Zeng K, van Oers K, Visser ME & Groenen MA. (2016) Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome. Nature Communications 7:10474. DOI:10.1038/ncomms10474

◆Nomi D, Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2015) Offspring sex ratio of Japanese Tits Parus minor is related to laying date and clutch size only in the first clutches. Acta Ornithologica 50: 213-220. DOI:10.3161/00016454AO2015.50.2.009

◆Ishiyama N, Yuta T, Koizumi I & Nakamura F (2015) Spatial network structure and scales differently affect the population size and genetic diversity of the ninespine stickleback in a remnant wetland system. Freshwater Biology 60: 733-744. DOI:10.1111/fwb.12525

◆Negishi JN, Soga M, Ishiyama N, Suzuki N, Yuta T, Sueyoshi M, Yamazaki C, Koizumi I, Mizugaki S, Hayashida K, Nunokawa M & Yoshimura N (2014) Geomorphic legacy controls macrophyte distribution within and across disconnected floodplain lakes. Freshwater Biology 59: 942–954. DOI:10.1111/fwb.12317

◆Yuta T & Koizumi I. (2012) Long Breeding Season and High Frequency of Multiple Brooding in Great Tits in Northern Japan. Ardea 100:197–201. DOI:10.5253/078.100.0211


◆油田照秋 (2016)「第三章 鳥類の配偶システムとつがい外父性」 (江口和洋 編集) 鳥の行動生態学 京都大学学術出版会、pp.45-75.
